
Parenting & Patriotism

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Parents, the 4th of July is right around the corner. Hopefully, you have plans to grill out and shoot fireworks with friends and family. However, have you considered how we as Christians should think about the 4th of July, as well as patriotism in general? For example, should we be leading the charge in celebrating this nation that we grew up hearing was founded on biblical principles? Or should we lead the charge in mourning the many sins of our nation? And how should we talk to our kids about it? Hopefully, these few simple ideas will help.

  1. Remember that our citizenship is in heaven and our identity is in christ

Above all else, we should remind our children that the truest and most essential thing about us as Christians is that we are God’s. It’s not the grades we get in school, the color of our skin or the country we live in. As Christians, we have more in common with believers from other nations than we do with our unbelieving fellow Americans. The Bible says that our citizenship is in heaven. (Philippians 3:20) We are on this earth for just a little while before we spend eternity with Jesus and even while we are here, our allegiance is to Jesus and His kingdom above all else.

The truest and most essential thing about us as Christians is that we are God’s.

2. Celebrate the Good

As parents, we should help our kids remember all the good that we have by living in America and be grateful for it! We are free to meet openly with our church family on Sundays and throughout the week. We are not in danger of physical persecution for being a Christian. As well, most of us have access to food, drink, education and healthcare and we can be grateful for that! 

By celebrating and thanking God for the good things that we have in America, we are not saying that we are better than other nations. There is a good emphasis these days that ultimately has its roots in Scripture of celebrating other cultures and seeking diversity in every sphere of life. In fact, the Bible says that when we worship God in heaven, we will be doing so with people from every nation! (Revelation 7:9)

At the same time we’re thanking God for all of the blessings we have, we can pray for those who don’t have the same blessings.

3. Mourn the bad

It’s good for our children to know that neither America nor any other nation is perfect, because every nation is made up of imperfect people. We need God to intervene to end racism, religiosity, greed and selfishness which run rampant in America. We should mourn this and teach our children biblical values, not American ones.

4. Pray and work for the good of our nation. (Jeremiah 29:7)

Finally, as citizens of heaven, we should pray for the good of our nation, the leaders of our nation and the people in our nation. We should also find every opportunity to work for the good of our nation and neighbors.* So enjoy your hotdogs, hamburgers and fireworks, and find a second to talk to your kids about how we as Christians should view this holiday and this nation.

*For ideas of what you can do regarding racial justice, click here.

Additional Resources:

Parenting is Hard


Let’s start here: Parenting is hard. Anybody have a hard time just getting your kids up and going in the morning? But I mean more than that. Parenting is truly difficult at all kinds of levels, even physically. Parents deal with an extreme lack of sleep, with sensory overload - crazy sounds and smells, and with a constant need for diligent attention. 

I know of nothing else that exposes our selfishness like parenting. As well as laziness, control issues, anger, anxiety, and the list goes on. It stresses the marriage relationship. It makes you face areas of brokenness in your own family of origin. And don’t hear me wrong. It’s also wonderful...sometimes. And it’s hard almost all the time. And that’s just normal day to day parenting. We’re not even talking about the thousands of types of suffering families go through every day.

Thankfully, God’s Word is incredibly helpful for us as parents. Deuteronomy 6 is known as the shema. This is the ancient Hebrew philosophy for how education, parenting and generational discipleship work. We’ll use this picture of 3 concentric circles as we walk through this passage.


Deuteronomy 6:4-9 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 

This is the center, the anchor. Reality and truth are not beholden to our preferences or perspective. There is a fixed, immovable anchor at the center of the universe. Yahweh, the Lord our God. This is good news because anchors help us not drown in storms. And parenting is a storm. 

5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 

Circle #1: Your relationship with God.

How beautiful is it that God’s primary command in all the Scriptures is to love Him. For many of us that’s hard to believe, but the thing God cares about most is that you walk in a loving relationship with Him. What an incredible God. Jesus was asked what the most important command is in the whole Bible and He quotes this verse. 

Why? Because everything else falls apart if you live with anything else as central in your life. Pleasure, substances, a significant other, your kids. They can’t hold up under the weight. Nothing else is worthy of centrality in your life. Nothing else is worthy of your ultimate love.

At a more practical level when it comes to parenting, you have to start here with Circle #1 because you cannot mandate onto your children’s hearts something they don’t see modeled in yours. 

One of our favorite and slightly terrifying ways to say this came from a pastor named Wayne Cordeiro. “You can teach what you know, but you reproduce who you are.” You can tell your kids 1000 times that prayer is important but none of that changes the fact that they will look at your life and see if you pray or not. 

Some of you are playing this silly religious game - “Well I want to raise my kid in church so they’ll be good and moral and stuff.” But the problem there is you can’t honestly believe 1 hour a week here with us is going to put a dent in the 167 other hours they spend elsewhere every week.

The only way this thing works is if the church is partnering with you to help you love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and your kids are getting to see that in you. It is not possible for the church to replace you as your kids’ primary discipler. And we don’t even want to try. 

7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 

Circle #2: Your relationship with your kids.

If you focus on God as the anchoring center point of your universe and build out from there--if your primary focus in life is loving and walking with Him--then it will flow naturally that you would want to share that with your kids. 

“But I don’t know what to say!?” Well ... what do you know about God? Tell them about that. What are you thankful about who God is and what He’s done in your life? What have you read about God in His Word recently? What do you pray to God about? Tell them about that. If the answer to all that is “uuhhhh... I got nothing.” Then that’s a problem with Circle #1.

And because God knows that our schedules are crazy busy, I love the simplicity of the commands in these verses:

“You shall talk of them... when you sit in your house.” Do you ever find yourself sitting around your house? Perfect. That’s a great time to talk to your kids about God. 

“And when you walk by the way.” This can literally be translated, “As you’re out and about.” We need to see that this is not saying add 10 more things to your routine. It’s saying as you’re going, weave conversation about God into the rhythms you already have. 

“And when you lie down” - Every night. Bedtime is a great time to think about and talk about and love God together with your kids. 

And when you rise” Every morning. This is another opportunity to remember who God is and that we are His.

So here’s how this works in the Ludovina household. 

  • “When we sit in the house”. Almost every night at dinner, after we eat we get out a Bible and a devotional and we read some Bible together and discuss it. And I get to share my love of God and His Word with my kids. And we say out loud the same 4 rules every time. Things like “I will not ask questions that have nothing to do with what we’re talking about.” And “I will not get up and go to the bathroom.” And half the time we break half those rules, but we’re aiming for 18 years of parenting that show off God’s splendor, not 18 perfect minutes of a single devotion. 

  • When we walk by the way.” Most often this is in the car. Once we were listening to a song and the lyrics were, “your love, your love, your love is my drug.” I reached over and turned it down, “What are they singing about? Why would they say love is like a drug? They depend on it, huh? Do y'all think that’s healthy? No, no it’s not. Why not? Because they’re treating that person like God. That won’t ever work will it? Want me to tell you again how daddy idolized relationships when in high school and college? No, heard that one enough? Ok, we can go back to music. No we can’t turn it up. Daddy gets migraines.”

  • When we lie down” Almost every night bedtime involves singing, prayer, and snuggles. I love to get down in my kids’ bed with them and ask, “How was your day? Was anyone mean to you today? What was the best part?” I have 5 kids and it’s a lot. But it’s worth it. Almost every night I say, “You know daddy loves you? Forever and ever? No matter what? And you know I’m proud of you? And you know why? Because that’s how God loves me. I’m trying to show y'all His love.”

  • When we rise” Every morning is a bit of chaos before we get out the door, but we all huddle up in the kitchen and pray for 20 seconds before we leave. “God help us. Help us wake up. Help us love the people you put around us. Help us remember that we go out with You today.”

Now this is an article about parenting and it’s easy to read this text with an assumed parental lens. However, if you go back to verse 4, this whole set of instructions was given to Israel. Not just parents. So while it certainly applies to parenting, it’s also bigger than that. Because raising kids is an all-of-us project. A village of people are needed to teach our children how great and worthy God is.

9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Circle #3: Your relationship with your neighbors.

I won’t get into this deeply but the third circle is when the first 2 circles are working well, our families start to become this beautiful oasis of joy and laughter and peace. Our families and community have the ability to be a signpost to heaven for other families in our city. To where other families start going “what’s that about?” And you get to have conversations about this unbelievable God at the center of the universe who loves us more than we can imagine. And the thing He cares about most is that we love Him and walk in relationship with Him. So I’m just trying to bring my kids in on that and help them understand that in my own limited and imperfect ways. That’s our 18-year goal. And yeah we’d love to invite you and your family into that in any way that’s helpful to you. You will find this to be a different approach to parenting and mission and your neighbors than “I can’t believe you let your kids watch Harry Potter. Ughhh. You know that’s witchcraft, right?”

Remember, the shema only works from the inside out. If you don’t start with God and your love for Him. Your identity will be off. Your sense of security and hope will be off. Your ability to train your kids will always end up imbalanced in one direction or the other. It’ll be child-centered or parent-centered and both are broken because neither you nor they are God. You're going to be crushed by the fact that your kids are infringing on your freedom and there’s no way to actually parent them without infringing on their freedoms.

However, if you start with God as the center and move to circle 1 and then circle 2 and circle 3, it all works. 

  • When it comes to truth, God decides what is true and He teaches us and we teach them. 

  • When it comes to authority, God is in charge and He puts us in charge, not to abuse or dominate our children but to lovingly serve them with godly direction and discipline.

  • When it comes to purpose, God gives us meaning and He gives us purpose in loving our kids and leading them into where real purpose and meaning is found. 

  • When it comes to relationships, God invites us into a perfect loving relationship with Him. He trains us why it’s worth it to restrict our freedoms for the incredible joy found in a loving relationship with Him, with our kids, and with our community and we get to share all of that as we lead our kids into it.

With these circles in order, over time, you’ll find that God of the universe -- the God who invented parenting -- has all the wisdom and all the love and all the patience and all the joy and strength and courage, conviction, and resolve that you’re going to need for the parenting marathon. Even through the terrible 2s. And even through the middle school years. 

And over time He’ll grow fruit in you and in your relationship with your spouse and kids in such a way that even the neighbors might start to notice. 

For more resources on parenting, visit

Resources for Holy Week

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Starting Monday, April 6 we usher into Holy Week - the time in the church calendar where we slowly reflect on the last days leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection. Below are some sermons from Desiring God to better prepare your heart this week.

Also check out our sermons from our Luke series:

Palm Sunday:

Reflect today on these messages.

"Hosanna" - John 12:13

“...when we sing "Hosanna" now, let's make it very personal. Let's make it our praise and our confidence. The Son of David has come. He has saved us from guilt and fear and hopelessness. Salvation! Salvation belongs to our God and to the Son! Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!”

"The Sovereign Sacrifice: Foreknown, Foretold, For Faith" - John 13:12-20

“Believer, be strong. There is good reason to stand with Jesus and to live for him this week.”

Maundy Thursday:

Reflect today on this message.

"Being Loved by Christ" - John 13:1:

“This is what we long for, and this is what we have by faith—an experience of being loved with a love that lasts, that is not fickle, or uncertain, or capricious, but durable, constant, stable.”

Good Friday:

Reflect today on this message.

"The Third Word From the Cross" - John 19:26-27 

“If Jesus could provide for the needs of his own in the moment of his greatest weakness and humiliation, how much more can he provide for your need in his present wealth of power and exaltation”


For Easter Sunday, we invite each LifeGroup to participate at 6:15am via Zoom or Google hangouts to have a watch party together. At the end of the Easter Sunday sermon, we will invite everyone to go outside to enjoy the sunrise together as a church family.

In addition, you can reflect on these messages. 

"Jesus is Alive to Serve" - John 11:15:

“...because he has overcome death, we can overcome death by faith in him.”

"Irrevocable Joy" - John 16:22

“Joy in being with Jesus is an unbroken line from now to eternity. It will not be cut off by his death or ours.”

"I Have Seen the Lord" - John 20:1-23

“...this world that we love so much, compared to [the new heavens and new earth], will be like a candle compared to the sun”

Below are some extra teachings out of the Gospel of John that connected to pain and suffering and the call to love one another. We found this encouraging and applicable in light of the pandemic.

Additional Resources:

Below are some extra teachings out of the Gospel of John that are connected to pain and suffering and the call to love one another. We found this encouraging and applicable in light of the pandemic.

Look at the book (3 parts) John 11

Part 1: "How Do We Read the Bible Stories

Part 2: "Why Did Jesus Let Lazarus Die?

Part 3: "God's Love Allows Pain and Loss


"Even When it Hurts: How God Reveals Himself in Pain and Loss" - John 11:1-6 

"This Illness is for the Glory of God" - John 11:1-16

Handling Finances in a Pandemic

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If you haven’t been already, each of us will in some way be affected by the economic decline caused by the novel coronavirus. Jesus calls us not to live in fear, but to trust that He will provide all that we need to glorify Him (Philippians 4:19). In light of this, how should we think about the finances that have been entrusted to us by the Lord in the days ahead?

A. If you have lost or are expecting to lose income

  1. Let your LifeGroup know and visit our needs page to request financial assistance. We are here to come alongside and support you.

  2. In the coming days, depending on your level of income and the number of people in your household, you will be receiving a stimulus check as a result of the recent CARES Act passed by Congress. Use this money to meet your basic needs (i.e. food, housing, utilities, healthcare, transportation).

  3. If you have not already, use this tool to rebuild your budget for a crisis.

  4. If you have an emergency fund of 3 to 6 months of essential living costs saved, now is a good time to use this money. If you don’t have an emergency fund, save as you are able to build one.

  5. Leave any retirement or other investment accounts alone. Although some penalties are being deferred on early retirement withdrawals right now as a result of the CARES Act, this should be avoided. Ultimately, withdrawing money early is putting yourself into debt and will be harmful to you in the long run.

B. If your income level has not changed

  1. The temptation to hoard and self-protect is even greater now than it normally is in our culture. This is a great time to be a light to our culture that our hope is not in money, but in Jesus. Our desire is to be like the church seen in Acts 2:42-47 and 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 where the church was sharing and meeting one another’s needs as anyone had any.

  2. Many of us are working from home, which has decreased our overall cost of living expenses. This is a great time to increase generosity in your life and make cuts on nonessential spending. Continue to tithe or start tithing if you aren’t already. Visit our needs page to see additional ways you can offer support. Share what you have with others around you that are in need. Support local small businesses that are struggling financially. Reach out to a missionary to see if they need additional support.

  3. Again, depending on your level of income and number of people in your household, you will also be receiving a stimulus check from the government. If your essentials are met and you have money saved for an emergency, consider giving to someone who may be in greater need than you at this time.

Regardless of your current financial situation, we would encourage you to use Midtown’s daily Lent Guide as we practice fasting corporately during the Lent season. Make a daily practice of thanking God for his specific provision to you each day and for his ultimate provision in giving us his best in Jesus.

Additionally, here are a few resources to help you think through how to manage your finances in the midst of a crisis:

  1. Steps for Preparing a Crisis Budget (Crown Financial)

  2. What to do if you’re out of work or miss a paycheck (Financial Peace)

  3. Generosity in a Time of Hoarding (Gospel Coalition)

  4. Generosity | Following Jesus Together

How to Socially Distance without Social Isolation

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In the midst of a pandemic, an economic recession is not just a distant concern for many people, but rather an imminent reality. Unfortunately, just as social distancing can lead to economic recession, it can also lead to a “social recession.” As our governments debate drastic measures to curb an economic recession, how can we as a church family fight to keep the necessary social distancing measures from leading to a “social recession” in our community? 

1. Make a Plan 

It can be easy in this season to drift into isolation. To fight our natural inclination towards apathy, it’s important to make a social plan for your day. If you haven’t yet, check out our “Developing a Rule of Life” resource to help get you started. Some things to make a plan for include:

  • Who will I reach out to daily? (coworkers, LifeGroup, family members, missional friends)

  • How can I regularly spend time with Jesus? (reading Scripture, listening to worship music, journaling, prayer)

  • How can I use my time well? (going on walks, activities with children, cleaning, virtual hang outs)   

You and your LifeGroup might also use this time to make a plan to check in on one another. Ideas can include:

  • Ask LifeGroup members to call two people in the group per day

    • You or a core group member could set up assigned dates and people or the members can develop their own system

  • Alternatively, create “check in” partners so everyone is connecting with someone on a daily basis 

    • Mix them up on a weekly or half-weekly basis so your group gets to know each other better

2. Get Creative with Technology

Social distancing is hard, but today we have the unprecedented advantage of technology. Here are some ways to use technology to continue to gather with your community. 

  • Video Chat Software: There are several great video chat softwares available, including Zoom, Facetime, Google Hangouts, Marco Polo and Skype. You can play a board game, have a children’s play date, do an exercise video, or even have a virtual coffee date with friends all over video chat.

  • Rhythm Substitutes: Even though we can’t physically be together, here are some current ways you may substitute your time together. (If you have more ideas, we’d love to hear them.)

    • Netflix Party Extension: This browser extension allows you to watch Netflix together with a group chat. 

    • House Party App and JackBox: You can video chat with a group while playing a variety of games, including trivia and a game similar to “Apples to Apples.”

  • Be Tech Support for the Vulnerable: The truth is that some of the most vulnerable people in our community are also the least technologically savvy. The poor and the elderly are statistically less likely to have internet at all, much less have experience using apps or software. Reach out to the vulnerable people in your life and offer to walk them through how to use the technology available to us, including everything from video chat to online food and grocery delivery.

3. Be Honest with God and Others

Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Life Together talks about the danger of misplaced, uncommunicated expectations in community: "Every human wish dream that is injected into the Christian community is a hindrance to genuine community and must be banished if genuine community is to survive. He who loves his dream of a community more than the Christian community itself becomes a destroyer of the latter, even though his personal intentions may be ever so honest and earnest and sacrificial." [1]

In other words, we are wired to be relational creatures and sin can easily have us drift into unspoken expectations that can easily fester into resentment, bitterness, and social isolation. If you feel loneliness creep in ask yourself, “Am I taking my relational needs to God first?” “Are my relational expectations I have on others biblical,  realistic, and has been previously communicated to them?” “Am I doing my part to actively engage with others as well?” “Is there any resentment that I need to repent to God before I communicate my relational need to LifeGroup?”0

As we struggle in the fight against loneliness, the Lord promises us that he not only sees our sorrow, but that he is there with us in the midst of pain and suffering (Psalm 56:8). We also know that whatever happens in this broken world, one day we will spend eternity in a place with no suffering, loneliness, or depression. Right now we’re running the race and encouraging others to run with us (Hebrews 12:1), but our victory is already won. By being “alone together,” we can not only prevent the spread of disease, but also prevent the spread of social isolation in our church family and community.


[1] - For more on this, check out our resource “The Five Stages of Community (or Why the Unicorn Must Die)” at

Reaching Out to Those Vulnerable to the Coronavirus

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We want to take a few minutes to help our family with a few practical thoughts on how to reach out to folks who are vulnerable, or who have become sick.

Let’s define a few terms, first.

  • Social Distancing - Staying ~6ft from others and avoiding unnecessary shopping trips & social gatherings. This is something that the CDC has recommended all Americans practice.

  • Self-Quarantine - Staying away from others and only going out when absolutely necessary (e.g. for groceries or medicine). Currently, the CDC recommends this for people who are higher-risk, or have had direct contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus disease.

When someone in your LifeGroup tests positive for the coronavirus disease, you have a wonderful opportunity to serve them by buying groceries & delivering them to their doorstep, cooking meals for them, and helping them to recover quickly. Continue reaching out to them as they are able, and have someone from your group check in on them daily, if not more often. 

Someone who tests positive should be kept in a room to themselves, and meals should be delivered to their door, but not with direct contact. When someone is ready to eat, make a plate for them and set it outside their door - don’t bring it into them. Make sure to wash your hands after doing any laundry or dishes that the person who has been infected has touched. Also, it’s a good practice to disinfect any surfaces that the sick person has touched, including doorknobs, sinks, and toilets. 

Work with your LifeGroup leader to make sure that needs are being met, and remind your LifeGroup leader to let their coach know when someone in their group contracts the virus.

Finally, during this time of quarantine, phone calls/Google hangouts can be a way to stay connected without risking infection. It’s easy to stigmatize those who are sick, but it’s important to remember that the virus doesn’t target specific people, and all of us are at risk.

For more practical tips, check out our resource “Socially Distancing without Socially Isolating.

Practical Guide for Worshipping at Home


Each week we are providing a Worship Guide for you, your family, and your LifeGroup to walk through. To familiarize yourself with the Sunday Worship Guide, consider the following tips before you start:

Review the content beforehand

Take a few minutes to look over the content so you can lead well.

Pick a time

Schedule ahead of time when you’re going to do Sunday Worship, place it on your calendar and stick to it.

You Need a Screen

Even if it’s a laptop, make sure the screen is viewable to everyone in the room

You Need Internet

Make sure to pull up all links and have them ready (sermon and songs)

Put Away Devices

Assign Roles

Plan ahead for who will lead each part of the guide. The Worship Guide is simple enough, all they need to do is read that portion out loud.

Have a Plan for the Kids

If they are old enough, have them lead/read appropriate portions of the guide.

If they are too young for that, have them listen for key words in the sermon, like "Jesus", and tally the number of times they hear those words. If they are too young for that, just do your best!

Do you have other practical tips? Share them with us!

Developing a Daily Rule of Life While on Lockdown

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Print/Download Daily Rule of Life template - (Google Drive | PDF)

...we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul...

Hebrews 6:18-19

In light of the global pandemic that is COVID-19 and the recent limiting of all gatherings over 10 people, it’s easy to get bored, burnt out, or stir-crazy. Hebrews 6 reminds us though that one thing we can hold fast to is the presence and power of Jesus.

One ancient tool to hold fast to Him is a rule of life. 

A rule of life is a practical way to schedule the coming days around what matters most: the teachings and practices of Jesus. One author calls developing a rule of life as living with “a well-ordered heart.” Right now when it feels like everything is disordered and the world is shifting every day, one thing we can bring into order is our inner lives. Keeping a rule of life is one way we do just that.

Note, these are not “rules for life,” with an emphasis on “if I don’t do this, Jesus will love me less.” Rather, a rule of life is grounded in the reality that you are already loved and accepted by the God of the universe, and this tool simply creates a framework to build spiritual practices into your life so you can experience His love in your life every day.

While this tool slightly varies from tradition to tradition, developing a rule of life typically includes three main things to anchor your day: [1]

  • Abiding: how you will spend time with Jesus (Bible reading, prayer, confession, singing)

  • Resting: how you will rest (sleep, Sabbath, exercise, limiting screen time/escapist tendencies)

  • Community: how you will spend time with others (family, LifeGroups, missional friendships)

It’s also important to note that a rule of life is meant to work for you, with lots of flexibility to accommodate your season of life. So, for example, if you’re single and live alone, your rule of life will look different than a college student, or parents with young kids, or an empty nester. Likewise, your wiring will impact how you write your rule of life. If you think more big picture, this will reflect itself in your rule of life. If you’re more detail-oriented, it will be more helpful for you to get very practical as you write your rule of life.

A final word on rule of life, try not to introduce too many new practices at once. Instead, create small “wins” that are attainable to create both momentum and sustainability in your spiritual formation. After writing your rule of life, ask your LifeGroup to give you feedback.

Below are some examples of what a daily rule of life can look like during the quarantine, followed by a template to help you get started. Once you’ve written out your daily rule of life, put it somewhere visible - your bathroom mirror, your fridge, your phone’s lock screen - and email us here so we can share our ideas with one another.

Lastly, if you’re new to the spiritual practices, check out

Print/Download Daily Rule of Life template - (Google Drive | PDF)

Daily Rule of Life for Singles - Example 


  • Wake up at the same time every day, make coffee, spend time with Jesus in Scripture and prayer (currently using the Lent Guide) before looking at my phone 

  • Examen Prayer before bed 


  • Limit entertainment - social media two days a week (Instagram Mondays and Facebook Fridays), watch TV and movies with friends -- try not to binge TV alone 

  • Put my phone in the kitchen before I get ready for bed, try to be asleep by 11pm


  • Daily walk with a friend who lives close 

  • Porch dinners with my neighbor

  • Call, FaceTime, or Marco Polo with a good friend

  • Check in with someone from LifeGroup

Daily Rule of Life for Marrieds with Kids - Example

(see also Parenting Resources)


  • Wake up before kids to work through the Lent Guide 

  • Spend some time praying for our family to make it through the day

  • Examen Prayer with spouse each night


  • If possible, 7-8 hours of sleep, try to be in bed by 10 - wind-down away from phone for last 30 minutes 

  • 20 minutes of exercise each day - jog or walk around the neighborhood

  • Check the news once a day 


  • No phone when with kids from 4pm-bedtime

  • Sync-up with spouse for 15 minutes without screens each day

  • Play with all the kids for at least an hour to give spouse time to abide and rest

  • Check-in with LifeGroup 

A great book to familiarize yourself with rule of life is The Common Rule by Justin Earley.

 [1] You can find a full version of a rule of life template with categories here -

History of the House Church

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From Acts 2 and onward, the early church was seen as a people who follow Jesus together through regularly gathering to read Scripture, pray, sing, and share meals. Due to intense persecution in the first few hundred years, the church would often worship in homes and risking their lives to be the hands and feet of Jesus to one another and to their city. 

It was out of these circumstances that the house church movement was born.

In fact, it was this subversive way of living that drew so many people into the family of God. Where the Roman government drew up divisions between race, social class, and gender, the early church opened up their doors and called each other family. When the government preyed on the marginalized and vulnerable, the church gave them a literal house and home. Within a couple of hundred years, followers of “the Way” went from a small, fledgling movement to the dominant religion of the West. [1]

Jump ahead a couple of thousand years, and for many Americans living in the 21st century, we’ve been blessed with religious freedom and the physical means to gather in larger spaces.  This is something that is easily taken for granted but is a rare phenomenon both historically and globally in Christendom. [2]

For most of the global church, house churches are still the norm either due to a lack of physical space and/or due to religious persecution - (it’s worth noting the global church experiences more religious persecution now more than ever. [3]) It’s also no coincidence that many of these modern house churches modeling themselves after Acts 2 are quickly becoming the next great epicenters of Christianity.

So, while this pandemic feels like an interruption for many, we see this as an opportunity to be the church all the more. By worshipping from home for a season, we step into an ancient practice brought down by our spiritual ancestors and we stand in solidarity with the global church.

 [1] From a sociological perspective, see Rodney Stark’s The Rise of Christianity: How the Obscure, Marginal Jesus Movement Became the Dominant Religious Force in the Western World in a Few Centuries

 [2] For a visual breakdown of the global church, see “The World as 100 Christians”

[3] In just the last year there have been “over 260 million Christians living in places where they experience high levels of persecution, 2,983 Christians killed for their faith, 9,488 churches and other Christian buildings attacked, 3,711 believers detained without trial, arrested, sentenced or imprisoned”

Missional Life in the Time of the Coronavirus

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With the new guidelines of no gatherings of more than ten people until the end of the month, the question we’re all wondering is, “What now?”

From your church’s leadership, we will continue to provide the most up-to-date information regarding what this means for you, your LifeGroup, and our church through our social media (DT, LX, 2N) and newsletters (DT, LX, 2N). We will also be working to provide helpful resources to continue equipping you to think through this pandemic in a biblical worldview.

We also know that in light of COVID-19, our aim to be a Jesus-centered family on mission has not wavered. It certainly looks different than it did a week ago, and things may change again at any moment, but let’s see this as a time to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this season.

So, while we adhere to the White House’s recommendations and keep in line with the most recent CDC guidelines, let’s seek out ways we might still be on mission in our city. [1]

Below are some ideas, some of which are pulled from a recent article by Ed Stetzer in Christianity Today. Also, feel free to email us other ways you’ve been able to be on mission and we will add on to the list.

  • Providing childcare for healthcare workers whose kids are out of school

  • Preparing meals for children and families in need

  • Walking a dog for elderly neighbors

  • Offering to pick up food and supplies for those most at risk

  • Regularly calling and texting those in your neighborhood to check in

  • Offering biblical encouragement for those dealing with anxiety and depression

  • Support local businesses through ordering out as you are able

  • With LifeGroup Leader’s approval, inviting someone local you’re building with into your weekly virtual LifeGroup time 

  • When you have to go shopping, inquire with workers as to how they are and tell them you will be praying for their safety

 [1] For a brief history on the historical church’s response during pandemics, see “The Early Church and the Plague