Developing a Rule of Life

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Rule of Life is a helpful guide for followers of Jesus to help get their lives and schedules revolving around the teachings and practices of Jesus. The word rule in Latin can also be translated rhythm; in Greek, the word rule is the same word for trellis. And like a trellis, a rule of life creates a framework to build spiritual practices and creates rhythms for you to grow.

Note, these are not “rules for life,” with an emphasis on “if I don’t do this Jesus will love me less.” Rather, a rule of life is grounded in the reality that you are already loved and accepted by the God of the universe, and this tool simply creates a framework to build those spiritual practices into your life so you can experience His love in your life all the more.

While this tool slightly varies from tradition to tradition, developing a rule of life typically includes three main things to anchor your day:

  • Abiding: how you will spend time with Jesus (Bible reading, prayer, confession, singing)

  • Resting: how you will rest (sleep, Sabbath, exercise)

  • Community: how you will spend time with others (family, LifeGroup, missional friendships)

It’s also important to note that a rule of life is meant to work for you, with lots of flexibility to accommodate your season of life. So for example, if you’re single and live alone, your rule of life will look different than a young parent with multiple children, or an empty nester. Likewise, if you’re wired to think more big picture, this will reflect itself in your rule of life. If you’re more detail-oriented, it will be more helpful for you to get very practical as you write your rule of life, like creating S.M.A.R.T. goals for each practice (small, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely).

A final word on rule of life, try not to introduce too many new practices at once. Instead, create small “wins” that are attainable, to create both momentum and sustainability in your spiritual formation. After writing your rule of life, consult with others to get feedback. After a season of working through your rule of life (1-3 months), look back at it and adjust accordingly. Do you need to do more or less? Do you need to get more specific or more big picture?

Below are categories and a template to help you get started. (For help on getting started with spiritual disciplines, check out

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Abiding - How can I connect with Jesus?

  • Bible

  • Prayer

  • Confession and Repentance

  • Sabbath

  • Retreat

Rest - How can I detach from busyness and distraction?

  • Phone usage, social media

  • Screen time

  • Fasting

  • Silence 

  • Sabbath

Community and Relationship - How can I connect with others?

  • LifeGroup - LG night, rhythms

  • Marriage - calendar/budget/relationship sync ups, intimacy

  • Children

Generosity - How am I managing my money and giving it away?

  • Budget

  • Giving

Mission - How am I building with others? (To simplify, you can include this in Community - whatever works for you.)

  • Serving

  • Praying

  • Hospitality

Health - How can I operate in a physically sustainable way? (To simplify, you can include this in Rest - whatever works for you.)

  • Sleep

  • Exercise

  • Diet