Practical Guide for Worshipping at Home


Each week we are providing a Worship Guide for you, your family, and your LifeGroup to walk through. To familiarize yourself with the Sunday Worship Guide, consider the following tips before you start:

Review the content beforehand

Take a few minutes to look over the content so you can lead well.

Pick a time

Schedule ahead of time when you’re going to do Sunday Worship, place it on your calendar and stick to it.

You Need a Screen

Even if it’s a laptop, make sure the screen is viewable to everyone in the room

You Need Internet

Make sure to pull up all links and have them ready (sermon and songs)

Put Away Devices

Assign Roles

Plan ahead for who will lead each part of the guide. The Worship Guide is simple enough, all they need to do is read that portion out loud.

Have a Plan for the Kids

If they are old enough, have them lead/read appropriate portions of the guide.

If they are too young for that, have them listen for key words in the sermon, like "Jesus", and tally the number of times they hear those words. If they are too young for that, just do your best!

Do you have other practical tips? Share them with us!