Church makes for a terrible hobby but a beautiful family.

By committing to one another through LifeGroups, we provide a counter-cultural narrative to the world:

Life is not about you, it’s about Jesus. Life can’t be done on your own, you need others.

By embracing this story, we become a people pushing one another toward following Jesus together.

The following teaching is from our In Columbia as it is in Heaven series. To learn more on this topic, go to the following sermons/sermon series - Wisdom and Community, Jesus-Centered Family on Mission, Togetherness.

To get started in this practice, readWhat to Expect from a LifeGroupand sign up for a LifeGroup below:

Sign up for a Downtown LifeGroup | Sign up for a Lexington LifeGroup | Sign up for a Two Notch LifeGroup

If you need training in this practice, click on the following resources below. Many of these resources are designed to walk through on your own, with someone else, or with your entire LifeGroup.

The 5 Stages of Community - Or, Why the Unicorn Must Die

The One Anothers

How to Encourage Someone

10 Steps to Handle Conflict and Avoid Less Drama

LifeGroups Training page

Four Elements of Group Time

How to Study the Bible with Others

Below are some helpful books on community. For more recommendations, check out our Bookstore.