What to Expect From LifeGroup


Life isn't meant to be done on our own, and LifeGroups are the main way we experience meaningful relationships with Jesus and one another - where we take what we learned on Sundays and put it into practice throughout the week.

WHAT IS A LIFEGROUP? A LifeGroup is more than a small group or a Bible study - it’s a group of people who desire to be a Jesus-centered family on mission. Our mission as a Jesus-centered family is to help everyone take the next steps toward Jesus. This means LifeGroups are always (1) inviting new people into their LifeGroup and (2) training up new leaders to launch new LifeGroups in our city.

WHO CAN BE IN A LIFEGROUP? LifeGroups are the best place to experience who Jesus is regardless of your age or religious background or lack thereof - there’s a place for everyone.

WHAT DO LIFEGROUPS DO? LifeGroups start with four regularly scheduled times with the aim of doing ordinary life together.

The four scheduled times for LifeGroups are:

1. GROUP TIMES: LifeGroups meet at someone’s home for about two hours each week with the goal of helping one another take the next steps toward Jesus. Group Time consists of four elements below (or watch this video):

  • Catch-Up on Life: Talking about our week and how we’ve seen Jesus at work through it

  • Sermon Discussion: Studying the Bible and applying it together

  • Review the Mission: Asking who we are trying to invite into our LG, creating a plan to invite them in, and praying for our efforts

  • Engage the Heart: Confessing sin and praying for one another

2. RHYTHMS: LifeGroups pick a place to spend time together in the city to hang out (i.e. park, restaurant, bar, etc). This gives LifeGroups the opportunity to build relationships with one another and invite non-Christians into a non-threatening environment.

3. GATHERINGS: Sunday Gatherings are more than an event or a service, it’s an opportunity to experience Jesus, connect with others, and be challenged to live on mission throughout the week.

4. MISSION: LifeGroups are sent out on mission by picking a neighborhood to reach and a Serve the City organization to partner with.

To get involved in a LifeGroup, sign up below:

Sign up for a Downtown LifeGroup | Sign up for a Lexington LifeGroup | Sign up for a Two Notch LifeGroup