The following teaching is from our in Columbia as it is in Heaven series. To learn more on this topic, go to the following sermons - 5 Meals That Changed the World and He is Worthy Part 1.


To get started, work through the questions below:

  • How has participating in Gatherings shaped/benefitted you?

  • Look at the calendar in the last two months. How many Gatherings did you attend? What were the reasons you missed them? What does your Gathering participation reveal about you?

  • Gatherings shape our story. Culture’s story says, “I’m in charge, this world is all there is, so I’ll do what I want.” God’s story says, “God’s in charge, there’s more to this world than this, so it’s not about me.”

  • Which part of culture’s story is the most shaping for you?

  • What are some practical next steps you can take this week to grow in participating at Gatherings?

If you need training in this practice, click on the following resources below. Many of these resources are designed to walk through on your own, with someone else, or with your entire LifeGroup.

3 Ways to Be on Mission at the Gathering

Why We Sing at Gatherings

Our Preaching Philosophy

Why Gather Together?

When Differences Become Divisive

Cultivating a Deeper Heart of Worship