How to Lead a Core Group

One of the primary roles of the LifeGroup Leader is to develop the Core Group. This is a multiplication of leadership for the growth and health of everyone. Having a developed Core Group benefits the group and the leader as follows:

  • It enables the LifeGroup Leader to empower others and help them grow as they carry more weight. 

  • There is increased buy-in from more people in the group and more people are equipped to positively influence the culture and health of the group.

  • A Core Group is the basis for future multiplication because it is the beginning step for developing future leaders.

  • Empowering others also lightens the load of leadership as the leader distributes responsibilities. A lighter load helps with the longevity of leadership.  Below is the ideal organizational structure for Core Groups divvying out responsibilities to maximize missional and care efforts.

LifeGroup Organization-01-3.png

Below is how you can help lead and develop your LifeGroup to become a healthy Core Group:

  1. Encourage members to take the 201: LifeGroup Class and become an official Core Group Member.

    Make specific invitations and narrate its importance for their personal growth and for the health of the group. 

  2. Distribute LifeGroup Roles to all Core Group Members and narrate why you are giving them that role based on personality tests and giftedness. 

  3. Regularly communicate with your Core Group. 

    • Create a separate GroupMe for Core Group members to communicate regularly. 

    • Sync up monthly or at least quarterly to celebrate growth, to evaluate the health of the group, to discuss major issues, to review the covenant, to redistribute roles, to discuss multiplication plans and any next steps for the next 6 months. 

    • Plan a yearly core group retreat to get away with your Core Group. The goal of the retreat should be primarily relational (making memories and group bonding), but also include spiritual development. 

  4. Write, evaluate and rewrite the LifeGroup covenant every 6 months or at least once per year.

    This is an effort to maintain the right culture and expectations for your group.