Theology of Sex Leader Resources

Our Theology of Sex series kicks off January 17 2016 at all churches. We want you as a leader to maximize the usefulness of the series. In an effort to accomplish that, we have provided links to three things on this page:

  • Study Guides. As we've done with many series in the past, we will offer discussion questions for your group time following each sermon. Use these questions to dig in, prompt discussion, and keep it centered on the gospel.
  • Leader Guides. Each week, we'll also offer leader guides that correspond to the study guides to help you navigate your group through the discussion.
  • Cheat Sheet. Throughout the series, your group members may have questions about things we haven't covered yet in the series, or that we won't get to cover. Use the cheat sheet to get a preview of where we're headed later in the series, and to help find answers to questions you're not sure of.

Study Guides

Study Guides