
Parenting in a Broken World

One of the questions that have come up repeatedly during the Theology of Sex series relates to how do we parent our kids in light of our culture’s views on sex, gender, marriage and romance. One parent specifically talked about interaction with public schools as the worldview of the public schools continue to change in line with our general cultural views. Most of the questions have been hinting at the difficult balance between preparing our kids to interact with the world and protecting our kids from the pain and brokenness of the world?

We’ve found the following article, “Why the City is a Wonderful Place to Raise Children” contains some very helpful perspective on these topics. Kathy Keller is married to Dr. Timothy Keller (pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC). She certainly doesn’t attempt to answer all the specific questions you might have and doesn’t specifically address issues of gender and sexuality, but her gospel-centered parenting perspective gives us some helpful framework as we have these conversations in our LifeGroups. We hope you’ll enjoy this article as a resource as you pray and talk through questions of parenting and living in the midst of a sinful culture.