How to Handle Missing People 

Being a part of a LifeGroup means we want to help one another take next steps toward Jesus. This requires grace, truth, time, and energy to help one another grow. But the truth is, we all have so much time and energy, so we need to be wise in how we use our time and who we are investing in.

When it comes to people often missing the LifeGroup, it’s important to remember that we are unable to “force” people to commit. While we want to graciously reach out to see if there’s an issue, our main priority is to build with people who want to build - we want to pursue those who are in. This requires narrating expectations, utilizing the LifeGroup covenant commitments, and frequently discussing them.

Below are some helpful guidelines for how to handle missing people in LifeGroup:

  1. Set parameters for the definition of “missing.”

    What are the expectation of attending group time and what are the exceptions? The definition might be different based on various factors like: 

    • How did they get into your group: placed by Group Team, invited by a friend, missional relationship, etc? 

    • How long have they been around? 

    • What stage of life are they in? 

    • What is their church background? 

    • Where are they in the leadership pipeline? 

    • What is their spiritual maturity level? 

  2. Seek to understand why he or she is missing.

    Engage Core Group in pursuing answers. 

    • Ask what is their understanding/thoughts on commitment to LifeGroup or the church?

    • Spend time outside of group time

    • Remind them that we are less without them

  3. Reach out to a Coach as needed.

  4. Appropriately communicate with the group and especially the Core Group. 

  5. Inform him/her of his/her removal from the GroupMe and other communication while assuring him/her will be welcomed back.

    Narrate that we want to have room for those who want to be involved

  6. Communicate departure with Groups Team (if applicable). Update LifeGroup report