Leveraging LifeGroup Guides for Mission


Let’s admit it. Talking about “mission” can be intimidating. As soon as it’s brought up, we picture awkward conversations and blank stares.

As followers of Jesus, we want to be faithful witnesses and be normal around other people. Most of us probably wish that conversations centered around Jesus flowed naturally and often. 

But the reality is, you’re getting trained on this every week.

Our LifeGroups Guides, in part, equip you to see Jesus in the ordinary and talk about Him with others in natural, normal conversations.

If talking to non-Christians about Jesus seems unnatural, ask yourself, does talking to your LifeGroup about Jesus feel natural? 

If mission is a struggle for your LifeGroup, consider rethinking how LifeGroup Guides work. These guides are a means to an end for us to be a Jesus-centered family on mission. Let LifeGroup times act be the training ground for your group to improve how you do “mission”.

Consider each part of LifeGroup time:

1 - Catch Up on life

During this time we are training ourselves to grow in our awareness of God’s presence. We want to see reality the way He sees it. Our daily interactions throughout the day aren’t just random happenstance, those are divine appointments. Our day-to-day circumstances aren’t ordinary, those are gifts to thank God for. 

If Catch Up on Life is a struggle for you then consider praying something like this: “God help me see my life with you in mind. Help me to see everything you give as a gift. Help me see people the way you see them.” 

2 - Review the Mission

Who are the people in your life who don’t know Jesus? Are their people in your life who you don’t know if they don’t know Jesus? Consider what next steps look like for you - it may be introducing yourself to a neighbor or coworker for the first time, inviting a new acquaintance to a LifeGroup rhythm, initiating a spiritual conversation, inviting someone over for a meal. Whatever that is, resolve by the power of the Spirit, knowing God is with you. Fill your LifeGroup in on how your plan so they can hold you accountable.

3 - Sermon Discussion

By renewing our minds through Scripture, we are made more and more into the likeness of Jesus. This means more than just gathering information but seeing how the Bible applies in our day-to-day, allowing God to transform us, and talking about it casually and conversationally with the people in your LifeGroup. If you’re able to comfortably and fluently talk about the Bible around Christians, this better prepares you to talk about the Bible around nonChristians.

4 - Engage the Heart

During this portion, we recognize we are the chief of sinners and need God’s grace in our lives first before we can tell others about Him. Engage the Heart trains us to listen, practice empathy, ask follow-up questions, and ultimately tell others why the Gospel is good news for them. Gospel fluency in LifeGroup equips us to be gospel fluent outside of LifeGroup.

  • Why is being on mission a challenge for your group?

  • Each portion of LifeGroup time trains us to be more missional. What’s one portion you can focus on the next time you meet in order to better be on mission?