Slowing over Hurry

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In this episode, we discuss slowing - where we take the principles learned from sabbathing and work it into the rest of the week.

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“Slowing is one way to overcome inner hurriedness and addiction to busyness. Through slowing, the sacrament of the present moment is tasted to the full.” Adele Calhoun

"Hurry is the great enemy of souls in our day. Being busy is mostly a condition of our outer world; it is having many things to do. Being hurried is a problem of the soul. It’s being so preoccupied with myself and what myself has to do that I am no longer able to be fully present with God and fully present with you. There is no way a soul can thrive when it is hurried. You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life." Dallas Willard


Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Calhoun

Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence

“How to Digitally Detox” from

Developing a Rule of Life from

“We’re Not Wired to be this Alone” by Frank Bruni, New York Times