Milestones Weekend 2022 | Family of Churches | Midtown Fellowship
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Milestones Weekend 2022 | Family of Churches

  • Midtown Fellowship 1800 Blanding Street Columbia USA (map)

In a world full of distractions, busyness and parenting hiccups, it is so easy to lose our focus. It is so easy to forget the goal in our parenting. 

  • Sometimes the target feels like doing everything possible to help our kids succeed.

  • Sometimes the target feels like striving to give our kids every possible opportunity.

  • Sometimes the target feels like mere survival!

But Jesus is clear that everything He does and teaches is about spreading His joy. He invites us into His joy. He fills us with His joy. He empowers us to share His joy with others!

So at this year’s Milestones conference we will work together to put our target precisely where Jesus puts His target; on His JOY. With big picture teaching and practical nuts-and-bolts training, we will help you to aim for His joy and train your children to do the same.

We will host our Milestones Weekend for our Family of Churches at our Downtown Church on May 6-8, 2022. Friday night will be a Parent’s Night Out (available optionally for conference attendees only), Saturday will be the Milestones Conference day from 9:00am-2:00pm, and we’ll wrap up the weekend with a celebration at our Sunday Gathering at 10:00am. Childcare will be provided throughout the event.

UPDATE, 4/25: CHILDCARE IS FULL and is no longer available as an option during registration. Parents are encouraged to attend, but will need to arrange their own childcare for the conference day.

For more information, email here.

Milestones’ vision is to train parents to be the most confident, well-equipped, joy-filled parents they can possibly be. Every year we host a conference weekend with the goal of encouraging and engaging parents with Jesus’ transformative power in our lives.