8:00 AM08:00

STC | STC Weekend | 2025

God has a heart for the orphan, the widow, the poor, and the sick. He cares for the most vulnerable and marginalized people. We want to be Christ-like and do the same. So each year, our Family of Churches rallies around our partner organizations for Serve the City Weekend

This year, Serve the City will take place on Saturday, March 22, so save the date on your calendar!

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6:00 PM18:00

STC | Super Bowl Party at Transitions | 2025

We will host a Super Bowl party on Sunday, February 9 at Transitions (2025 Main St., Columbia, SC). The Super Bowl party is a fun and relaxed way to get to know the clients at Transitions while also watching the game. It will consist of setting up and serving concessions, talking to Transitions clients, and playing games (if football isn’t your thing).

Please bring a snack to share. If you have a fun game to play, please bring that along as well.

The event will start at 6:00pm and end at the end of half time, but you can stay till the end if you want!

This event is for anyone 18 and older.

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6:00 PM18:00

Recovery | Spring Launch

  • Midtown Fellowship: Barnwell Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Recovery is a group that meets in a 10-week cycle to help people achieve freedom and healing from seemingly unbeatable issues in their lives. We meet on Mondays at 6:00 p.m. in our Barnwell Building at 1614 Barnwell Street. We gather for a short time of worship and teaching; then, we break up into gender-specific small groups for discussion, encouragement, and prayer.

Recovery is for anyone facing a battle in their life—personal sin struggles, dealing with emotional scars, or any other issue. It's a safe, family environment where you can come and deal honestly and openly with your struggles and let Jesus begin to heal and free you amid biblical family.

For more information, visit our Recovery page.  

There is a $15 registration fee to attend this cycle. Childcare is not provided.

If you would like to join, please register using the button below!

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6:30 PM18:30

STC | Transitions Gingerbread House Party | December 11

  • Transitions Homeless Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will host a Gingerbread House Party at Transitions Homeless Center on Wednesday, December 11, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 

We will build Gingerbread Houses with Transitions clients at the event while enjoying other holiday goodies! This event is best suited for anyone 18+. It is an excellent opportunity to meet and interact with Transitions clients casually and bring them some seasonal fun. 

Please bring a festive snack or candy to share. 

For more information, contact Brian Olesnevich.

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to Nov 24

STC | Salvation Army Angel Tree | Nov 17-24

  • Midtown Fellowship (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our STC partner, The Salvation Army of the Midlands, needs people to “adopt” a family or families for Christmas that need Christmas gifts for their children. Through their program, Angel Tree, donors can give joy to a child in need during the holiday season.

Starting Sunday, November 17, an Angel Tree will be set up in the lobby with Angel Tree ornaments on it. If you want to participate and adopt a family, please grab an ornament from the tree at a Sunday Gathering on November 17 or 24. Then, take the ornament with you to fulfill the needed items listed on the ornament. Feel free to participate by “adopting a family” individually or as a LifeGroup.

Please bring the gifts and the ornament back to Midtown by Sunday, December 1, so the items are delivered to the proper destination in time for Christmas.

If you have any questions, please email Liza Hendricks.

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5:00 PM17:00

STC | Ezekiel Ministries Thanksgiving Meal

Ezekiel Ministries works to provide mentorship for kids from hard places and backgrounds in our city.

On Tuesday, November 12, we will work alongside Ezekiel Ministries to help provide a Thanksgiving dinner to their downtown mentees and families. We are in need of volunteers to help provide side dishes and to help set up and tear down for the event.

Set up/tear down volunteers for the event should arrive at Grace Church at 2710 Harrison Rd, Columbia, SC 29204, at 5 pm.

Volunteers should bring prepared dishes in disposable containers between 5-6 pm to Grace Church at 2710 Harrison Rd, Columbia, SC 29204.

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6:30 PM18:30

STC | Transitions Pumpkin Carving | October 23

  • Transitions Homeless Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will host a Pumpkin-Carving event at Transitions Homeless Center on Wednesday, Oct. 23, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. We will carve pumpkins with Transitions clients and enjoy other Halloween festivities! This event is best suited for anyone 18+.

Please bring a pumpkin, snack, or candy to share.

This opportunity is a great way to meet and interact with Transitions clients casually and bring them some seasonal fun. This event will be our 8th year of carving pumpkins at Transitions, and we always meet at least one person who has never carved a pumpkin before!

For more information, contact Brian Olesnevich.

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8:00 AM08:00

STC | Daybreak Ministries Race for Life 5K | October 12

Support Daybreak on Saturday, October 12 at Saluda Shoals Park for a fun, family-centered 5K! Registration will begin at 8:00 am, and the walk/run will start at 9:00 am

Registration is $40 for adults, and kids 12 and under are $20 (kids three and under are free). A T-shirt is included if registered by October 4.

**Please note in order to participate, you will need to register through Daybreak by clicking the button below.

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6:00 PM18:00

Recovery | October 7

  • Midtown Fellowship: Barnwell Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Recovery is a group that meets in a 10-week cycle to help people achieve freedom and healing from seemingly unbeatable issues in their lives. We meet on Mondays at 6:00 p.m. in our Barnwell Building at 1614 Barnwell Street. We gather for a short time of worship and teaching; then, we break up into gender-specific small groups for discussion, encouragement, and prayer.

Recovery is for anyone facing a battle in their life—personal sin struggles, dealing with emotional scars, or any other issue. It's a safe, family environment where you can come and deal honestly and openly with your struggles and let Jesus begin to heal and free you amid biblical family.

For more information, visit our Recovery page.  

There is a $15 registration fee to attend this cycle. Childcare is not provided.

If you would like to join, please register using the button below!

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6:30 PM18:30

STC | Transitions Bingo Night | 2024

  • Transitions Homeless Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will host Bingo Night at Transitions Homeless Center on Wednesday, September 11, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m

At the event, we will play BINGO with Transitions clients and hand out small prizes to winners! This fun evening is an excellent opportunity to casually meet and interact with Transitions clients and hand out useful items.

Please bring snacks or sodas to share. This event is best suited for ages 18+. 

For more information, contact Brian Olesnevich.

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to Jul 21

STC | Salvation Army - Back to School Drive

Year-round, the Salvation Army works to provide for those in need. One of the many ways they help is by providing school supplies to families that can not afford them. As a church family, this is a great way to give generously as Christ has given generously to us and help kids in our local community start the school year off well! 

Donating is easy and convenient. Please drop any of these items before or after the Gathering in the lobby starting Sunday July 7 through Sunday July 21.

If you have any questions, please email Liza Hendricks. Your participation is greatly appreciated!

Specifically, they have requested the items below:

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9:00 AM09:00

STC | Ezekiel Ministries Mentor & Me Event

Join us for a family friendly Mentor & Me Event for Ezekiel Ministries on SaturdayJune 22 at Farley Family Shelter at Leo’s Landing in Saluda Shoals. Setup for the event begins at 8:45 a.m. Bring the family to play games, do crafts, and mingle with the Ezekiel Ministries mentees and their families.

Parking is free, snacks, and drinks are included, but bring a water bottle to fill up at the fountains as we anticipate it being hot.

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8:30 AM08:30

FOC | Milestones '24

We can connect with anyone worldwide at any moment, yet our world has slowly become more isolated and lonelier than ever before. If we aren’t careful, we might find ourselves on a parenting island - without community and feeling like we are the only ones experiencing the joys and hardships that come with raising kids who love Jesus.

At Milestones ’24, we want to help you discover the good gift and unlock the full potential of parenting within a Jesus-centered Family on Mission. Parenting is done best when done together.

We will host our Milestones ‘24 Conference for our Family of Churches at our Downtown Church on Saturday, April 27, 2024.

  • Doors Open, 8:30am; Event 9:00am - 1:00pm

  • Lunch will be provided for all attendees (including those in Kidtown)

  • Kidtown for the event will be provided. Kids will enjoy Camp Kidtown activities and lessons throughout the day. Snacks and drinks will also be provided throughout the day.

For more information, email here.

Milestones’ vision is to train parents to be the most confident, well-equipped, joy-filled parents they can possibly be. Every year we host a conference weekend with the goal of encouraging and engaging parents with Jesus’ transformative power in our lives.

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8:00 AM08:00

STC | STC Weekend | 2024

God has a heart for the orphan, the widow, the poor, and the sick. He cares for the most vulnerable and marginalized people. We want to be Christ-like and do the same. So each year, our Family of Churches rallies around our partner organizations for Serve the City Weekend

This year, Serve the City will take place on Saturday, March 16, so save the date on your calendar!

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6:00 PM18:00

STC | Super Bowl Party at Transitions | 2024

We will host a Super Bowl party on Sunday, February 11 at Transitions (2025 Main St., Columbia, SC). The Super Bowl party is a fun and relaxed way to get to know the clients at Transitions while also watching the game. It will consist of setting up and serving concessions, talking to Transitions clients, and playing games (if football isn’t your thing).

Please bring a snack to share. If you have a fun game to play, please bring that along as well.

The event will start at 6:00pm and end at the end of half time, but you can stay till the end if you want!

This event is for anyone 18 and older.

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9:00 AM09:00

Personal Finance Seminar | January 27

We will host a Personal Finance Seminar for our Family of Churches on January 27 from 9a-12p at our Downtown Students Building at 1819 Taylor St. Our Personal Finance Seminar is designed to equip our church family to be spiritually healthy by stewarding the financial resources that God has entrusted to us. Regardless of whether you are in college, just started your first job, or have been in your career for years and are looking for help in managing your finances, we believe this seminar will be a helpful resource to you. Our time together will consist of practical training to manage your finances, pay off debt, invest well, and practice biblical generosity.

Light snacks will be provided. Childcare will not be provided.

Sign up for the seminar using the link below. For more information, contact Wes Butler.

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6:30 PM18:30

STC | Transitions Gingerbread House Party | December 13

  • Transitions Homeless Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will host a Gingerbread House Party on Wednesday, December 13 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Transitions Homeless Center

At the event, we will build Gingerbread Houses with Transitions clients while enjoying other holiday goodies! This event is best suited for anyone 18+. It is a great opportunity to meet and interact with Transitions clients in a casual environment and also bring them some seasonal fun. 

Please bring a festive snack or candy to share. 

For more information, contact Brian Olesnevich.

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6:30 PM18:30

STC | Transitions Pumpkin Carving | October 25

  • Transitions Homeless Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will host a Pumpkin Carving event on Wednesday, Oct. 25 from 6:30 to 8:30pm at Transitions Homeless Center. At the event, we will carve pumpkins with Transitions clients and enjoy other Halloween festivities! This event is best suited for anyone 18+.

Please bring a pumpkin, snack or candy to share.

This is a great opportunity to meet and interact with Transitions clients in a casual environment and also bring them some seasonal fun. This will be our 5th year of carving pumpkins at Transitions, and we always meet at least one person who has never carved a pumpkin before!

For more information, contact Brian Olesnevich.

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8:00 AM08:00

STC | Daybreak Ministries Race for Life 5K

Support Daybreak on Saturday, October 14, at Saluda Shoals Park for a fun, family-centered 5K! Registration will begin at 8:00 am, and the walk/run will start at 9:00 am

Registration is $35 for adults, and kids 12 and under are $10 (kids two and under are free). A T-shirt is included. A delicious pancake breakfast and hot chocolate/coffee will be served! 

**Please note in order to participate, you will need to register through Daybreak by clicking the button below.

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6:00 PM18:00

Recovery | Fall Launch

  • Midtown Fellowship: Barnwell Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Recovery is a group that meets in a 10-week cycle to help people achieve freedom and healing from issues that seem unbeatable in their lives. We meet Monday evenings at 6:00 pm in our Barnwell Building at 1614 Barnwell Street. We gather for a short time of worship and teaching; then, we break up into gender-specific small groups for discussion, encouragement, and prayer.

Recovery is for anyone facing a battle in their life—personal sin struggles, dealing with emotional scars, or any other issue. It's a safe, family environment where you can come and deal honestly and openly with your struggles and let Jesus begin to heal and free you amid biblical family.

For more information, visit our Recovery page.  

There is a $15 registration fee to attend this cycle. Childcare will not be provided.

If you would like to join, please register using the button below!

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9:00 AM09:00

STC | Epworth Campus Work Day

Join Epworth for its Campus Work Day on Saturday, September 9, from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. 

This day is an incredible opportunity to serve Epworth on both indoor and outdoor projects. Your assistance throughout the day will create a welcoming atmosphere for foster parents, caregivers, and visitors. 

All ages are welcome to serve, and a dance party while folding clothes is included! Complete project details on the sign-up form. If you have questions, please email KD Dennis.

Sign-up to serve by clicking the button below.

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6:00 PM18:00

STC | Super Bowl Party at Transitions | 2023

We will host a Super Bowl party on Sunday, February 12 at Transitions (2025 Main St., Columbia, SC). The Super Bowl party is a fun and relaxed way to get to know the clients at Transitions while also watching the game. It will consist of setting up and serving concessions, talking to Transitions clients, and playing games (if football isn’t your thing).

Please bring a snack to share. If you have a fun game to play, please bring that along as well.

The event will start at 6:00pm and end at the end of half time, but you can stay till the end if you want!

This event is for anyone 18 and older. Face masks are required for all Transitions events.

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6:00 PM18:00

Recovery | Winter Launch

  • Midtown Fellowship: Barnwell Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Recovery is a group that meets in a 10-week cycle to help people achieve freedom and healing from issues that seem unbeatable in their lives. It is for anyone facing a battle in their life—personal sin struggles, dealing with emotional scars, or any other issue. It's a safe, family environment where you can come and deal honestly and openly with your struggles, and let Jesus begin to heal and free you in the midst of biblical family.

We gather for a short time of worship and teaching, then we break up into gender-specific small groups for discussion, encouragement, and prayer. For more information, visit our Recovery page.

We meet Monday evenings at 6:00pm in our Barnwell Building at 1819 Taylor Street. There is a $15 registration fee to attend this cycle. Childcare will not be provided.

If you would like to join, please register using the button below!

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4:30 PM16:30

STC | Epworth Sunday School and Worship Gathering

Are you looking for an opportunity to serve? Our STC partnership organization, Epworth Children's Home, needs outside volunteers to assist during its Sunday School and Worship Gathering on Nov 6 from 4:30 - 6:15 pm. This event provides biblical teaching and worship for Epworth middle and high school boys and girls. 

Serving Epworth through this event allows campus students to experience God through scripture and worship. There are many opportunities to serve. Join us by participating in worship or teaching from Epworth's curriculum.

If you have questions, please email KD Dennis.

Sign-up to serve by clicking the button below.

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8:00 AM08:00

STC | Daybreak Ministries Race for Life 5K

Please join us the morning of Saturday, October 15, 2022 from 8am - 9am at Saluda Shoals Park for the fifth annual Daybreak Ministries Race for LIFE 5K. All profits will go towards supporting the mission and vision of Daybreak Ministries of advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and saving the lives of preborn children in the Midlands. It is open to all, and no experience is required.

A delicious pancake breakfast will be provided before, during, and after the event!

Come support Daybreak by sponsoring a team!  Sign up and run individually or with your LifeGroup!

**Please note in order to participate, you will need to register through Daybreak by clicking the button below.

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6:00 PM18:00

Recovery | Fall Launch

  • Midtown Fellowship: Barnwell Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Recovery is a group that meets in a 10-week cycle to help people achieve freedom and healing from issues that seem unbeatable in their lives. It is for anyone facing a battle in their life—personal sin struggles, dealing with emotional scars, or any other issue. It's a safe, family environment where you can come and deal honestly and openly with your struggles, and let Jesus begin to heal and free you in the midst of biblical family.

We gather for a short time of worship and teaching, then we break up into gender-specific small groups for discussion, encouragement, and prayer. For more information, visit our Recovery page.

We meet Monday evenings at 6:00pm in our Barnwell Building at 1819 Taylor Street. There is a $15 registration fee to attend this cycle. Childcare will not be provided.

If you would like to join, please register using the button below!

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6:00 PM18:00

FOC | Women's Prayer & Worship Night

All women from our Family of Churches are invited to join us at our Downtown location on September 19 from 6-730pm for a night of encouragement, prayer, and worship. We are looking forward to getting to spend this time together!

Childcare will not be available.
(However, if your children would like to participate, they are welcome to join!)

Light snacks will be provided.

Please RSVP below!

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7:00 PM19:00

STC | Prisma Children's Hospital 5K Run/Walk for Camp Kemo

lease join us the evening of Friday, September 16, 2022 from 7:00-8:00 pm at Saluda Shoals Park for the inaugural Light Up for Leah 5k Run/Walk benefitting CAMP KEMO Programs of Prisma Health Children’s Hospital-Midlands. It is intended to honor children who have died following their battle with pediatric cancer or a blood disorder. It is open to all, and no experience is required.

Come support Prisma by sponsoring a team!  Sign up and run individually or with your LifeGroup!

**Please note in order to participate, you will need to register through Prisma by clicking the button below.

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6:00 PM18:00

STC | Epworth Field Day & Cookout Bonanza

Come gather at Epworth’s Campus on Saturday, June 25th from 6:00 pm -8:00 pm for food, fun, and fellowship with the Epworth staff and kids! This event will provide positive interactions with individuals who are interested in bettering the lives of the Epworth kids as well as give an opportunity to develop relationships with the kids.

There are many serving opportunities. Join us in preparing and serving food or helping with games and activities. If you have questions, please email KD Dennis.

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6:00 PM18:00

STC | Transitions Chef's Feast Fundraiser | June 5

Chef’s Feast will be held on June 5, 2022 at 6pm at the Capital City Club. This event is one of the major annual fundraisers to support the programs and services provided by Transitions Homeless Center.

The evening will include a five-course menu of Mediterranean-inspired dishes prepared by talented chefs around the region with magnificent views of the Columbia skyline.

Transitions provides homeless men and women ages 18 and older access to our day center, hot meals, showers, service providers and housing.

Purchase tickets here.

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to May 8

Milestones Weekend 2022 | Family of Churches

In a world full of distractions, busyness and parenting hiccups, it is so easy to lose our focus. It is so easy to forget the goal in our parenting. 

  • Sometimes the target feels like doing everything possible to help our kids succeed.

  • Sometimes the target feels like striving to give our kids every possible opportunity.

  • Sometimes the target feels like mere survival!

But Jesus is clear that everything He does and teaches is about spreading His joy. He invites us into His joy. He fills us with His joy. He empowers us to share His joy with others!

So at this year’s Milestones conference we will work together to put our target precisely where Jesus puts His target; on His JOY. With big picture teaching and practical nuts-and-bolts training, we will help you to aim for His joy and train your children to do the same.

We will host our Milestones Weekend for our Family of Churches at our Downtown Church on May 6-8, 2022. Friday night will be a Parent’s Night Out (available optionally for conference attendees only), Saturday will be the Milestones Conference day from 9:00am-2:00pm, and we’ll wrap up the weekend with a celebration at our Sunday Gathering at 10:00am. Childcare will be provided throughout the event.

UPDATE, 4/25: CHILDCARE IS FULL and is no longer available as an option during registration. Parents are encouraged to attend, but will need to arrange their own childcare for the conference day.

For more information, email here.

Milestones’ vision is to train parents to be the most confident, well-equipped, joy-filled parents they can possibly be. Every year we host a conference weekend with the goal of encouraging and engaging parents with Jesus’ transformative power in our lives.

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