luke binder

Get the Luke Binder

On August 3 we began our series studying the book of Luke. As a resource to help you and your LifeGroup follow along with the series, we worked with Reclaim Workshop to create beautiful handcrafted pinewood binders. Each binder is branded by hand and includes study material for each week of the series.

The binders include:

  • Information on background, important places and key people in Luke
  • Pages for sermon notes each week
  • Questions for personal study
  • LifeGroup discussion questions

The binders are available for free at any of our Gatherings, but if you're out-of-town or need one in the meantime, you can grab the digital version here:

Section IX: The King Returns 

Making the Luke Binder

As a part of our series on the book of Luke, we put together some binders to help study and apply the series. As a special touch, we decided we'd like the binders to be made of beautiful pine, and branded by hand. So we contacted our good friend Josh Cox of Reclaim Workshop, and he worked out a plan to handcraft 2,000 of these beautiful binders.

Our friends at Kickstand Studio put together a video documenting the binder's creation, and were gracious enough to share it with us: