Reading Plan

Reading Scripture

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The Bible is a library written by God through men that tells a unified story that leads to Jesus. And as God’s people, we want to be guided by His Word and empowered by His Spirit to more fully experience the life and love of Jesus.

Here are three steps to help you more fully engage with the Scriptures. You can go deeper into each of these categories and questions.

Before you study, take a moment to stop, take a deep breath, and ask God to speak to you through His Word. This little moment of preparation reminds us that reading the Bible is a sacred act in which we invite God to speak to us.

1. Read

As you read through the passage, make a note of anything that pops out to you or raises a question in you. Try not to get fixated on one phrase or verse, just make a note of it. After reading through the passage once, read through the passage once or twice more, this time thinking about what stands out in this passage and what impression it leaves on you. Reading out loud can be helpful too, as it can help us understand what we’re reading and help us process each verse of the passage.

2. Reflect

Now that you’ve read the passage multiple times, take time to reflect on what you’ve just read, using a journal or a note-taking app that you can read again in the future. As you reflect on the passage, try thinking through these two questions:

  • What does this passage reveal to us about God? 

  • What does this passage reveal to us about people?

3. Respond

After reflecting on the passage, it’s time to respond. Every part of Scripture is inspired by God Himself; a message so perfect and powerful demands a response from us. So, in light of the truth you’ve just read, consider these two questions: 

  • What’s this passage calling me to do today?

  • What’s this passage calling me to pray for today?

As you’re exploring the Scriptures here are two encouragements:

It’s okay to be a rookie

As you’re starting out, going through those questions may be challenging at first. But keep with it. Remember, one of the biggest components of abiding in God’s Word is just showing up and being consistent. If you get confused or get stuck, that’s okay; invite your brothers and sisters in Jesus for help because we’re in this together.

Be faithful

We don’t expect our lives to be radically changed every time we read our Bible. It is a gradual, slow process. But we do know that every time we open up our Bibles - we are becoming more faithful. The more we simply show up, work through the process, pray, and apply the Scriptures into our lives, the more we cultivate the space in our lives for the Spirit to transform us and look more like Jesus.

Related Resource

How to Study the Bible: Old Testament Narratives