Marriage Resources

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As of the time writing this post, we are nearing the end of week 8 in quarantine. For married couples, you’ve never spent this time together…ever. You might be running out of Netflix shows to watch, tired from going on so many walks outside, exhausted from your kids or all of the above.

So during this time, we wanted to provide these marriage resources for you to invest in your marriage. The following videos were filmed during our weekend Marriage Conference in February 2020. Before you begin watching these, go ahead and put the kids to bed, set your phones down in another room, and carve out some intentional time to watch these with your spouse. Try to work on just one video per night as there’s a lot of information to unpack in each one.

At the end of each video ask your spouse, “What was one thing that stood out to you from the video?” And, “What’s one thing we can take from that video to invest in our marriage?”

So grab a bottle of wine, get a pen and paper out, take some notes, and have fun!

Part 1

Sex in a Covenant

Marriage covenant involves two becoming one. A single unit, socially, emotionally, economically, spiritually, legally. It means that every aspect of life is joined with your spouse. [Run time - 24:33]

Some Practical Help for Sex

With a theological understanding of sex in marriage, we want to shift to some practical help on how to move in that direction. [Run time - 18:45]

9 Enemies of Sex

The truth is, there are forces and circumstances both physical and spiritual that keep us from being united with our spouse in sex. [Run time - 37:40]

Part 2

American Marriage vs Covenant Marriage

For Americans, marriage is a contract. When it gets tough, you find a new contract partner. But for Christians, as we see in Scripture, marriage is a covenant. [Run time - 16:13]

Love the One You’re With

Jesus love for us is unconditional. He loves us knowing full well our sin and weaknesses. This is the kind of love that marriage is designed to show off. [Run time - 23:56]

How to Deal with Sin

The good news is, you are already a sinner made righteous by Jesus, so there’s no need to win the fight. Now you are free to work towards reconciliation. [Run time - 29:04]

Communication & Conflict Management

With the theological understanding that you and your spouse are both sinners and saints, we offer some practical tools to work towards better communication. [Run time - 29:15]


Jesus calls men to be the lead lover and lead relationship builder in the marriage. So, how do you lead your marriage? [Run time - 13:55]


Culture says love should be unconditional but respect must be earned.  That’s not what Scripture says.  Respect is a command. So, how do we do that? [Run time - 22:51] 

A Covenant is for Keeping

Your marriage is not about you. You are not seeking to build a self contained, self sufficient unit but one overflowing with love. [Run time - 5:22]

Marriage Map

The Marriage Map worksheet offers weekly and monthly questions to check-in with your spouse regularly on your marital health. As you work through it keep in mind there’s no “right” way to use this tool; let the categories serve as a launching pad with what you want to discuss.

Also, make sure to talk through the Appreciation category before the Disclosure category rather than go straight to the Disclosure category. We’d also suggest using the script from the Disclosure category in order to more appropriately address any concerns you have.

Rule of Life

The Rule of Life tool offers a way for couples to literally be on the same page regarding what matters most, how to point one another to be with Jesus and be more like Him. As you work through this tool, get practical as to how you will each prioritize abiding with Jesus, staying tethered to church family, staying connected to one another, and more.

A Marriage You’d Actually Want

This 10-week series takes an honest look at marriage, unpacks God's intention for it, and paints the picture of a marriage you'd actually want.

Theology of Sex

This series spends seven weeks unpacking God’s design for gender and sexuality in an effort to understand ourselves, love our neighbor, and live out our mission.