This recording was taught on September 12, 2023.
Once you’ve listened to the video work through the discussion questions below.
1 - How would you identify your LifeGroup right now? Why?
Level 1 - no Core Group in place
Level 2 - Core Group in place and LG is surviving (leader is still scrambling, exhausted, not much room to take on more ppl, etc)
Level 3 - Core Group in place and LG is thriving (leader is overseeing, the group is growing, an eye towards planting a new LG, etc)
2 - If you self-identify as Level 1 or 2, what obstacles are in the way, and how can you level up? If you self-identify as Level 3, what are some good practices you’ve put in place to get there?
3 - If you had to pick one person/couple to oversee each of these four areas today, who would they be?
Discussion Leader
Prayer and Care Follow-Up
Welcome Wagon
4 - If all four areas were led out by someone else besides you and you jumped up to level 3, what would be a dream timeline/prayer goal for your LifeGroup to plant a new LifeGroup?