The Gospel & Homosexuality

On July 28 at all of our Gatherings, we are going to deal with a question that is viewed as one of the most defining interactions between Christianity and culture: how should the church think, feel, speak and act towards homosexuality and those who identify themselves as homosexual?

We are praying that Jesus would give us His grace, truth and humility as we approach this topic with a balanced perspective. We believe these Gatherings will be beneficial for you or any of your loved ones who have questions, personal struggles or strong disagreements with what the Bible says about these topics. As always, we will use any topic to emphasize the gospel and to help point ourselves and our guests to our common need for Jesus' grace.

Please pray with us, pray for us and prayerfully invite anyone you know who has questions or concerns about how the church should be engaging with these questions.

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Panel Discussion

In addition, we will host a Gospel & Homosexuality Panel the following Tuesday, July 30. Find out more about the panel.

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