giving statement

Your Year-End Giving Statement

Ryan Rike, the author of this post, is one of our pastors-in-training, an alumni of our Residency Program, and currently serves as our Executive Director. To find out more about our leadership, visit our Leadership page.

We're approaching the end of the year, and we are beginning to finalize things for our end-of-year procedures. In January, pursuant to IRS rules, we will be sending out contribution reports listing each donor's tax-deductible giving records.

A Year to Celebrate

As an update, this year we have seen all-time highs with giving and I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has been generous in supporting what Jesus is doing here. We have seen amazing things and Jesus has used our church family! So thank you if you have been obedient with trusting Jesus with finances and giving sacrificially.

Before we close the books on 2014, you may find it beneficial to go ahead and check your current giving statement for the year so far. Please review it and if there are any discrepancies we can look into it and clear it up. Also, it gives you the opportunity to check your records and make sure you have kept on pace with giving or if you need to catch up.

How to View Your Giving Statement

  1. Go to CCB's log-in page.
  2. Log in if you know this information (if you do not, click forgot password or sign up to register)
  3. Once you log in: look at the right side of the screen. Your name and picture (if you have one) will be at the top. Click your name, and then click “Profile”
  4. In your profile, click on the “Financial” tab
  5. Under “Printable Statements” click “Giving Statement”
  6. Select the date range "This Year," then underneath "Tax Deductible," select "Deductible Only."
  7. Click “Create”

If you have any questions please email me at