Welcome to Personal Liturgy.

Our everyday lives are not always marked by the spiritual health and joy we see offered to us in Scripture. Ordinary life can feel dry and lacking, instead of being filled with the fullness of God. Because of this, we are taking 5 months to ask "Why is that true, and what can we do about it?"

Apathy, distraction, self-reliance, cynicism and self-absorption rot away the vibrant life God has for us. Join us as we fight together to get it back.

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Every one of the 120 days in this series will have its own unique journal entry or challenge for you to complete that will show up only on that day.
You will have space in the app to save your responses for that day, and you can go back and see all of your previous answers.
There will be a progress bar at the top that keeps track of which days you complete, so don’t break the streak! 


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120 days of
CURATED content

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& challenges

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anywhere YOU GO


If you’re not an app person and you would prefer to get each day’s content and challenges via email so you can complete them offline, sign up here. You will get an email each morning with the content and challenge for that day.

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If the things you do do things to you, then the music you listen to does things to you as well. Some of our members created playlists across broad genres they enjoy to help you discover new music.

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Here are some books we recommend checking out during this series.

Click on a book's cover to be taken to its Amazon page for more information.